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Bella Turf and Greens

The Benefits of Artificial Grass on the Environment

Artificial grass is notorious for helping homeowners from Roseville to Lodi save time & money on their landscape maintenance but did you know it also has a big impact on our environment? Below are key issues where synthetic grass can benefit the environment.

Reduces Carbon Emissions

Most of us at one point in our life remember having to mow the lawn. It’s a chore that most of us would have liked to avoid at all costs. But did you know that this weekly chore is costing us just more than our time? Fuels released from lawn mowers and gas edgers release carbon emissions into our atmosphere and contribute to global CO2 levels. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a new gas powered lawn mower produces as much emissions in one hour of operation as 11 new cars each being driven for one hour. By installing synthetic turf we can help eliminate these emissions. 

Decreases chemical runoff and contamination

Another great advantage to artificial grass is that you eliminate the need of fertilizers which primary nutrients are nitrogen and phosphorus. Like all living things, grass needs nutrients to live, and nitrogen is the most important nutrient. In recent years, the increased use of home lawn and garden fertilizers has caused concern about pollution of our groundwater. Proper fertilizer application can enhance plant growth without polluting the environment.
However, the risk lies when people misuse of fertilizer, the harsh chemicals find their way into local water sources like ponds, rivers, and streams. Once these harsh chemicals reach local waters, they can potentially hurt animals and marine wildlife. Excessive amounts of toxins can also cause algae to populate rivers and streams, killing fish and vegetation in the process. It’s also frightening to think think these chemicals can aslo find their way into our drinking water.

Saves our water

Even though the drought has been significantly reduced, a dry winter in 2019-2020 may indicate we need to continue to conserve our precious water. According to the EPA, the average American family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day at home and outdoor water use accounts for 30 percent of household use yet can be much higher in drier parts of the country and in more water-intensive landscapes. Making the switch from natural grass to synthetic turf can almost entirely eliminates your home irrigation bill. You many have to occasionally use your hose to clean your pet turf. At Bella Turf and Greens we help not only our customers save water but do our part in helping the environment. Request a quote today!

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